Grains - choices, how to prepare for health
How to sprout whole grains before cooking
How to prepare Whole Grains: Soak + Sour or Sprout before cooking
Sprouting Grains
After soaking , the next level of preparation is to further germinate (i.e.Sprout) grains :
Benefits of Sprouting Grains
Further reduces phytate and
other anti-nutrients. Although many still remain , meaning some of the
the grains' minerals will still be inaccessible
- Some studies
found that sprouting grains reduces phytic acid. By increasing phytase enzyme activity, which breaks down phytic acid;
E.g. A 2011 study showed a several fold phytase enzyme increase depending on grain:
During germination, the level of phytase activity increased and reached its
maximal value after about a week of germination for rice (16-fold), maize
(5-fold), millet (7-fold), sorghum (3-fold) and
wheat (6-fold). The increase in phytase activity during germination was
accompanied by a significant reduction in phytate.
Study results vary , for example, with
seed type, and whether testing the grain directly, or its indirect effect on
animals (one study compared
sprouted barley and canola nutrients fed to rats with very mixed results)
Marshall Arebojie Azeke et al, Effect of germination on the phytase activity, phytate and total phosphorus
contents of rice (Oryza sativa ), maize (Zea mays ), millet (Panicum
miliaceum ), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ) and wheat (Triticum
aestivum) (2011) J Food Sci Tech Dec, 48(6): 724-729
Further improves
digestibility of storage proteins and starch - due to partial hydrolysis during sprouting
Chavan JK, Kadam SS,
Nutritional improvement of cereals by sprouting (1989) Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.
• Sprouting grains helps diabetics digest glucose - by regulating
amylase-enzyme activity;
• Sprouting only marginally
reduces gluten - i.e. don't rely on it;
Unfortunately, much of
the harmful wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) lectin remains in the wheat sprout
Miskind et al, Distribution of wheat germ agglutinin in young wheat plants,
Plant Phys. (1980 Nov) 66(5):950-955
• Decreases aflatoxin - a carcinogen naturally present in some
seeds E.g. peanuts, corn, almonds and other nuts
Sprouted corn increased protein availability -
study found amino
acids became more concentrated and absorbable.
How to sprout grains
As with all sprouted seeds, there is a
risk of microbial contamination. The possibilities abound: not
washing seeds sufficiently before sprouting, contaminated container, seeds
weren't truly raw, extreme temperatures, mold in the air, sprouts were not
rinsed enough. It is advisable to take all precautions.
(1) After soaking grains, leave them in a shallow bowl exposed
to air (not in the fridge)
(2) Keep grains slightly damp by adding 1-2 Tbsp. water when
(3) Leave them out for 3-24 hours depending on grain (see chart
(4) When ready, rinse sprouts thoroughly and store up to 7 days
in the refrigerator
(5) Rinse sprouts daily to prevent microbial growth
Guideline Only - everyone has their own ideas :)
Sprouting time
2-3 days
1-3 days
2-3 days
2-3 days
Oat groats
2-3 days
3-4 days
Wheat berries
3-4 days
Wild and black rice
3-5 days